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XXL canvas photos

XXL canvas photos are digital motifs printed in a large format on canvas. The canvas is carefully stretched onto a wooden frame, resulting in an image resembling a painting.

XXL canvas photos on wooden frames

XXL canvas photos are photos printed onto canvas surfaces in large format. The canvas is carefully stretched onto a wooden frame so that at the end, you have an image that, just like a painting, can be hung like any wall decoration.

Unlike copies or prints on ordinary paper, the fine structure of the canvas lends a certain feeling of depth, making the original photo appear more imposing and high class, giving it that “designer” touch. The depth of the frame helps to enhance this feeling.

A moment immortalised becomes a personal work of art.

XXL customer satisfaction

Our experience tells us that that customers who purchase an XXL canvas photo are highly satisfied and have been purchasing on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances. This is in no small part due to the unique size, quality and appearance of our product. XXL canvas photos are not only purchased for personal use, but also often to present as an unusual gift.

Order online, quickly and easily!

To order an XXL canvas photo, simply log into our order system, where you can easily upload, manage and order photos. We produce your canvas photo within a day and send it either to you or directly to your customers.

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Examples from

Babies and children
Nude & erotic
Food Photography